Friday, July 17, 2020

Saturn in Capricorn, One Last Time

July 17, 2020


Saturn has been in the sign of Capricorn for 2 years or so. Here is a complete description of how it has been affecting us throughout this time....SATURN IN CAPRICORN

During these years between December 2018 - 2020, Pluto joined Saturn, and especially in 2020, Jupiter also moved into Capricorn creating a formidable theme of heavy punitive judgmental attitudes and actions on the part of every side imaginable in the world socially. The law, authority, rights, action taken to enforce one's judgment and beliefs, the law taking action or not regarding constraint, order, lockdowns, order and civility intensify throughout this period.
All forms of abuse of power would be exaggerated insanely and so would oppression, loss and re-evaluating one's true power or powerlessness would be analyzed. Action is taken in some form, mild or extreme in order to handle these power issues. Capricorn Rules Power and The Rules, governments or individuals, business owners or authority figures in every segment of society.
Everyone is being initiated with these issues at this time.

Periodically in 2020, Jupiter is sextiled to Neptune in Pisces, which can soften the blow.
Compassion, resolution and common sense might enter into the conversation and decisions during these dates of Jupiter sextile Neptune which are:

JULY 15-AUGUST 10, 2020
OCTOBER 1-25, 2020
The second article on Saturn in Capricorn, brings a new perspective as to the possibility of being deceived, programmed, convinced or swayed into thinking a particular way, when actually the tests of Saturn might be something entirely different. You can read that article here.....THE REAL TESTS OF SATURN IN CAPRICORN

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