Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Saturn - Jupiter Conjunction in Aquarius Finding the Way Out of the Maze



Saturn and Jupiter

sextile Moon/Chiron in Pisces/Aries

square Black Moon at 3-4* Taurus and Uranus at 6* Taurus



The brand new planetary cycle of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius will dynamically change the direction and the theme we have been living in from December 21, 2020 on.

This conjunction will elevate us out of the maze by moving upwards in our way of looking at our lives and how we respond habitually -

It marks a distinct change in the air as to the new narrative everyone will be discussing, the postures people will take and our social popular trends. It will penetrate every area of our lives. Balance and common sense is extremely important to handle this new cycle, as Aquarius governs over advanced technology, science, space and other forms of robotic/AI tech which attempts to interface with Humanity and change them even at the DNA Neurological level.

Aquarius naturally releases Hope and the Electrical Waters as waves ( Electrons) of light, creating the Alchemy much needed. These Electrons are poured out over every situation in order to transform from one state to a new state.

These two major planets which impact our fortunate times for expansion and breakthroughs, plus concrete systems and new structures we desire to bring into our lives are moving through Aquarius from December 21 up to May 13, 2021. Then Jupiter quickly enters Pisces for a brief time, returning back to Aquarius again on July 28, 2021 up to December 28, 2021.



To Read Entire Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction, Go Here


December 20-21 2020 ( Peaks) – December 2021

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Astrology Update for 2020 August

 August 9 2020

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Welcome to the Stardrops series.

August 9-18th, extended for the New Moon

The movie of the week, some will surely scoff at and think totally silly and that's okay, is Speed Racer created by the Directors of the Matrix. 
Boys find the most profound messages in the strangest places.

The theme for this week is speed of courageous conclusions leading to decisive action, getting some guts and courage - using your mind confidently, overcoming manipulation and threats. Threats which seem to come from some kind of consciousness out there. Sending thoughtwaves of fear telling you if you truly attempt to break out of the program and try to win, you'll be taken out of the race and lose, and really bad things will happen to you. That's what this thing wants you to believe.
So, we navigate through the lies, mysteries and some swampy distractions and yes, enemies.

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Saturn in Capricorn, One Last Time

July 17, 2020


Saturn has been in the sign of Capricorn for 2 years or so. Here is a complete description of how it has been affecting us throughout this time....SATURN IN CAPRICORN

During these years between December 2018 - 2020, Pluto joined Saturn, and especially in 2020, Jupiter also moved into Capricorn creating a formidable theme of heavy punitive judgmental attitudes and actions on the part of every side imaginable in the world socially. The law, authority, rights, action taken to enforce one's judgment and beliefs, the law taking action or not regarding constraint, order, lockdowns, order and civility intensify throughout this period.
All forms of abuse of power would be exaggerated insanely and so would oppression, loss and re-evaluating one's true power or powerlessness would be analyzed. Action is taken in some form, mild or extreme in order to handle these power issues. Capricorn Rules Power and The Rules, governments or individuals, business owners or authority figures in every segment of society.
Everyone is being initiated with these issues at this time.

Periodically in 2020, Jupiter is sextiled to Neptune in Pisces, which can soften the blow.
Compassion, resolution and common sense might enter into the conversation and decisions during these dates of Jupiter sextile Neptune which are:

JULY 15-AUGUST 10, 2020
OCTOBER 1-25, 2020
The second article on Saturn in Capricorn, brings a new perspective as to the possibility of being deceived, programmed, convinced or swayed into thinking a particular way, when actually the tests of Saturn might be something entirely different. You can read that article here.....THE REAL TESTS OF SATURN IN CAPRICORN

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Friday - July 17, 2020

UPDATE   Part One  July - December 2020  


Mars in Aries retrograde is coming up on September 09, 2020. This cycle will run all through December, 2020.  I feel we've already seen the signs of the intensifying hostility and altercations from June 2020 on and will escalate throughout the August 28 - November 10 period. The likelihood of it diminishing any time this September through December is small.

Every time Mars turns retro the potential of feeling increasingly agitated can occur. It depends upon what sign Mars is transiting in and Aries is impulsive and lacks self control and forethought before it takes action. Action can be a self absorbed triggered survival impulse for the better or worse.

During Mars Retro, it will square ( create stress and conflict) with Jupiter/Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn, AND Mercury station at 25* Libra on Nov 1-10 square Saturn.

This aspect of Mars square these three planets could create serious confrontations, abuses of power, display of violence and criminal behavior, riots and protesting anywhere in the world over any little thing. In response, extreme measures could be taken in order to contain these situations including new laws (Capricorn) formed to support the need for containment or arrests.

The dates of the most volatile periods of this cycle would be:

August 3 -5
August 12 - 14
August 23 - 25
Sept 28 - 30
Oct 8 - 10
Oct 19 - 21
Nov 1 - 10
Dec 15 - 22
Dec 22 -24

January 12 - 14
Jan 22-24, 2021

To counteract and diffuse this volatile energy, it would be most helpful to give outloud an affirmation:

" Divine I AM THAT I AM, Beloved Presence of infinite love, take charge over all Mars hostility and aggression, abuse of power and exaggerated and ultra dangerous forms of abuse and hyper control over populations, cities, people, elections, political and social agendas which are only manipulated by dark forces attempting to destroy the highest beauty, intelligence and logical way of life benefiting all.  Archangel Michael, take command and bring divine intelligence into all social - political situations and activities quickly with the speed of light. Contain all potential sabotage and violence, and bring order, love and common sense back into the people in all ways, Amen."

More Updates following

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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mercury Retrograde Feb 16 - March 10, 2020 Plus Other Goodies

Hello Everyone, for the Mercury Retro Update and other Astrological events, I'm sending you to the main Starfires website Starfires Mercury Retrograde

And, a new feature  Called "STARDROPS"...a weekly update sent to your inbox. You can check it out and sign up here   STARDROPS


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